Management Services

india Entry Strategy Services

  • Today India is looked at as an investment destination by many international organizations. We have been assisting global organizations in their India entry strategy by providing an end to end solution by acting as a single window. Our services include the following:
  • Conceptualization of Business plan
  • Location/ initial infrastructure planning and short selection
  • Company incorporation including drafting of Memorandum and Articles of Association SACHIN GOEL & ASSOCIATES (Chartered Accountants)
  • Obtaining initial regulatory approvals
  • Compliance with local laws of the state
  • Designing the corporate structure
  • Establishing the systems, policies, procedures for smooth conduct of business
  • Corporate Tax Planning
  • Assistance in Administrative and Human Resource functions for initial set up the Organization

Taxation Services

Few areas of commercial life are as challenging and constantly changing as tax. Our sophisticated tax department provides a level of technical skills of the highest order, supported by many years' experience of tax planning and assessments at the Income Tax Department.

Direct Tax Services

  • Filing Tax Returns - Corporate and Non- Corporate
  • Tax planning - Corporate and Non-corporate
  • TDS Compliance services
  • Devising employee emoluments structure
  • Bulk filing of employee returns

Indirect Tax Services

  • Sales Tax/VAT registration & compliances for different states, including Uttarakhand , U.P. & Delhi.
  • Service Tax registration & compliances


  • Review and analysis of past assessments
  • Preparing submissions and grounds of appeals
  • Appeal before Commissioner Appeals and Appellate authority

Transfer Pricing

  • Devising long term strategy
  • Assisting in maintenance of documents
  • Assisting in Transfer Pricing study
  • Conducting Transfer Pricing audit
  • Assisting in Transfer Pricing assessments

Other Services

  • Registration & Compliances under the labour laws
  • Shops & Establishment Act
  • Provident Fund Act
  • ESI Act
  • Approvals under the customs/excise wrt Foreign Trade Policy for duty free imports etc.
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